Ode to the Rains and Obstacles of the Road
Here’s to the rainy days of seeking shelter
beneath bridges, trees and Co-Op awnings;
In tunnels too, for making us feel just a bit better
with shivering limbs and patience waning,
we thank the structures who helped us under pressure.
On days of cutting hands with knives
while preparing breakfast and slicing apples,
we sat, prayed and hoped on long bus drives
to Urgent Care and back to receive our satchels
and fix the bike under foggy skies with new supplies.
When illness wracked our bodies
and drove us through winds to new horizons,
we fondly recall a sweet wooden bothy
protecting us from the fierce stormy environs
amidst torrential downpours and frozen volleys.
Vibrant vistas always appeared to soften our hearts
on days when hail haled in determination,
nature arose with magnificent rainbow art
lighting up our wildest imagination
with the assurance of tomorrow’s fresh start.
Cheers to the many kind and generous souls
who hosted us on nights best suited for hibernation;
we toast you with our lentil stew in camp bowls
and water borrowed from streams in moderation.
May you fulfill every one of your dreams and goals.
To those who call out, stop to chat and support,
we recall you with great fondness,
for sharing gifts, advice and the weather report.
Most of all, we remember your kindness,
how epic our time together was, long or short.
To the hills, we cannot forget you!
For strengthening our muscles and minds
and gifting us with every jaw-dropping view,
even those with cars following close behind,
we appreciate you for all your hues.
The many benches where we closed eyes
to nap between many miles of riding,
the bus shelters to eat lunch and to keep dry,
the trees we squatted and peed under while hiding
from curious onlookers passing by.
We thank each and every being for appearing,
bringing us abundant reasons to smile
as we searched for suitable camp clearings,
powering us on mile after mile.
Your song is leading our way, forever endearing.
Now we continue on our rhyming way
with many songs still to share,
many to discover as we go our way.
By bicycle we wander with great care,
hearing what the world has to say.
Cheers to you friends of old and those not met;
Our family for helping and rooting us on;
Obstacles gone and still ahead.
Wisdom learned we carry along,
with love upon this Earth we lightly tread.
Poem Written by Karla Sanders @karlasandersart | Photos by Steven Tiller @steventiller